
Data 360

Data360 is the first-in-class solution to simplify, restructure and unify data to generate smart, relevant, complete, reliable and governed information; as well as generating insights for innovations and leveraging decision making. Transform data into business assets; promoting the company in a data driven organization and meeting the most diverse complainces - Data Governance


Are you looking for a very affordable yet efficient gateway into your data governance program? Do you need a powerful tool to help you manage your data? Do you want to promote your data governance program effectively?


Helping you build possibilities grounded in the most accurate, enriched data available


All transactions in your organization are built under Master Data: products, customers, employees, suppliers, financial hierarchies and reference data.


Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados (LGPD) comes to protect the fundamental rights of freedom and privacy and the free formation of the personality of each individual. The law provides for the processing of data carried out by an individual or legal entity governed by public or private law and encompasses a wide range of operations carried out in manual or digital media.